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Ongoing WMLA projects:

Promoting racial equity in medical libraries

WMLA encourages medical librarians to consider what they can do support racial equity in their libraries. We have several ongoing projects and encourage members to participate.


  • Ask vendors about resources by or featuring people of color, and share these resources with colleagues. WMLA is collecting a list of resources if you need a place to start.

  • If you run into outdated MeSH terminology, contact the NLM and suggest an update. Alternatively, contact us and we can suggest it to the NLM on your behalf.

  • Validated search strings for patients of color help all librarians offer patrons more accurate, targeted resources. If you have search strings, please share them with us.

  • WMLA is interested in partnering with other organizations to bring speakers on cultural humility and other appropriate topics. If you have suggestions for available grants, speakers, or partners, let us know. 

If you have more suggestions or want to contribute, please contact us. We want to hear what we can do. 

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